The Most Disappointing Nature Is The Human Nature

luni, 9 februarie 2015

since when

Since when?

Since when being single makes a woman crazy?

Since that moment when machismo became more refined (Ha! Now isn’t that the irony of all ironies!), and had to go into disguise due to the fact that the good-old-traditional way of being a misogynist became equal to being a cave-dweller (which is a euphemistic way to put it!)

Crazy is not a woman that has the guts to not go for what she thinks is second best for her - the fact that she is right or wrong is of no consequence, if she believes she does not want somebody or something, why should she accept the situation?

The fact that she is displeased with what she has met so far does not mean she does not want or cannot handle a man or a relationship. It simply means she does not wish to compromise – and that is a sign of respect towards herself. But even more, and I might add paradoxically enough, it is also a sign of respect towards manhood!

Men do complain so tiringly much that women get into relationships with them and then they, the women, try to change men and nag and lament (men don’t even have the courtesy to stop generalizing!).

And men go on that they would like women so much more if they’d just take them as they are – and then they question why is it that women do such things?!

Well – there you have it!

Women are dissatisfied with men and try to change them because they do exactly what men want them to do – they, the women, or rigorously said, some women, do not wait for the right man to come, they choose among those available at some point, at the very beginning they put up with them as they present themselves (because anyway, all that is new imposes at least some minimum interest on the one experiencing it), and then they try to adjust them!

And why so?

Well, because otherwise the chances of women to not be taken for crazy and not remain single and ostracized by the male-oriented society are not even close to zero, but severely going towards minus infinite!

But the perverseness of the misogynic civilization does not stop here!

Ok – you are not scared of remaining in a state of celibacy, in what seems to be a foreverness, but would you like being taken for a weirdo?!

Of course not!

Then at least you should, once in a while, go out and have some random, casual, one-night-stand type of affair. Or get into a “friends with benefits” type of relation with some guy.

Now isn’t this the ultimate statement of masculine manipulation!

I’d have to go around “serving myself on a silver platter” to any Tom, Dick or Harry just so that I do not strike people as being … abnormal!?

I’d have to see which of my male friends are up to some casual “naughty moments” with me and pretend like I actually wish it, just not in that “I want more from you” way… just so I do not seem mentally deranged to the world?!

What ever happened to “I am happy with how things are at this moment and when I will wish somebody to enter my life, I shall be happy then too” kind of feeling, thinking, and living?!?

The delightful part of it is that to the poorly equipped, mentally, spiritually and most probably physically too, that cannot convince you to enter some sort of relationship with him, whatever you choose to be will have a downgrading label attached to it: you’re either some crazy broad whom nobody wants, some little modern tart with a bad-ass attitude, or … “Oh, don’t tell me – yes, there is someone in your life! How typical..” kind of woman!

And then they wonder: why do contemporary women have so many issues when it comes to men?!

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