The Most Disappointing Nature Is The Human Nature

vineri, 6 ianuarie 2017

In the Realm of the Vulture

In the Realm of the Vulture
(To Name the Unnamable)

Oh, dearest gods from above
Where do I finally get off?
Have I offended you in some way
That I must always run away?
To receive only hatred –
have I asked for too much?
And to be labeled a wench…
Am I always to be punished as such?

Anonyma held Abyssus firmly under her arm and with Morbid on her shoulder rapidly she ran. They went up north, to the land of high mountains, blue deeps and sun of gold. As they entered the realm, strangeness gathered all around, there was not a whisper to be heard and the air was sound – some eagles hovered high and low, Anonyma felt scared, she knew not where to go.

Dear friends, where are we? What fantastic land is this … and what people there will be?

The green hollows of Abyssus lit in passion, Morbid looked at them and stated in his own fashion:

This is the land of a grand heredity, cousins of mine, undoubtedly!

As they advanced, Abyssus murmured: this is a realm with history so ancient! In life, one finds few people of such mold, they may not have always good fame, but their heart is that of gold!

They crossed chains of steep mountains, and silent forests – when they finally reached a beautiful shore again, the sun was setting down in all majesty, bathing that world in fiery hues – the crowded city was buzzing with vibrancy, with chocolate skinned people that smiled so pleasingly.

They look so simple, even antique in a way – passionate hearts in the night, firm beings during the day!
They are quite different, as we shall see! –
said Abyssus knowingly.
Different, yet similar to our own kind – they may be mere mortals, but in our universe their patterns are easy to find!

And Morbid looked tremendously pleased, as he stated the matters he observed diligently.

They felt the foreignness of the place as if it were alive, yet in a funny way, it did not come to their fright. People were kind, helpful, some even sweet, and though one could see how they were shy, they seemed always to be ready to fly!

It is so odd – truly, how different they are – so unlike what we’ve seen so far! And Anonyma looked at her two trusty friends …I find it hard to say why… but, indeed, I feel at home, and as peculiar as this seems – I know I will be happy here, by all means!

They are very gentle people, yes, indeed! yet never toy with the heart of any such man, for they have demons you do not want to feed!

Oh, Morbid, you silly, silly bird – you always see only the very dark side! What say you, Abyss, shall we send him for a ride?

The skull at once shivered and shook, and with great effort in this way he spoke:

You are in a severe state of shock, sweet little doll! We should go up that hill, observe from there the life of this haven, and then you’ll understand it all!

So the three went up the knoll, and settled into an old abandoned bastion they refurbished – they gave it back its mediaeval splendor, its austere touch, its ghostly presence – soon it became the city’s attraction.

Though the people of that old port seemed quite discreet, Anonyma wanted to take no chance as to have somebody find out she was from another place, one of great deeds, infamous gods and humans with surreal grace – thus she chose a new name to represent her best: Luleblu, as she felt was her immediate zest.

Every morning she’d come down from her dwelling – most elegant and lean, looking like an exotic flower or a gracious feline – to take a long walk with her old companions, through the city on the shores of the bright briny.

During the day she thought of the book of knowledge she had saved – yet what to do with such a gem, what glorious road with it would be paved?

At night her eyes filled with sparkling rays, the kind that one sees in drops of morning dew, the kind that might form rainbows when the gods in the skies weep – for her sorrow was strong, and her suffering deep.

Do not cry, sweet child – for you shall know love again!

Oh, dear Morbid – love for me is a torture – a torture in vain! I try to know, I try to learn, I try to write, then some mortal appears, and I lose my might! I taste ecstasy for some time whilst I dare – then mishap comes, and I am left with nothing but despair!

Morbid and Abyssus, on old imitations of tango, would look at one another and wink – Luleblu was so passionate, in a childish fashion at times, so ardent in her convictions, so earnest in her ways and commonsensical in her longings that they felt at loss as to how they could help her not become game to some mischief when she’d try love to regain.

And mischief they felt in the salty air – for a bird of prey would always overfly – when and where Luleblu would go out, the vulture would appear and stay nearby.

Abyssus would whisper: I see its plumes so black, as if it were of your own nation!

I see them quite plate, as if the feathers were made of your very countenance! What can this mean … to all this, what is the substance?

Morbid felt anguish as he said this, Abyssus as usual was a bit more skeptic. In the city there was much talk, as usual, on a silent tone, on the streets there was eternal and idle chatter, but this time it was told as if it were of some serious matter. In those parts of the world, an old, great family had always had the upper hand as to life and liberty.

Luleblu always heard of their name being spoken, she thought nothing of it, she felt no desire to be acquainted to their lot, she did not look down on them, but neither felt the rush of their plot.

She felt happy in that territory, and worried not what the future might bring to her story.

She did not feel the menace of the bicolored vulture, all the contrary, she felt amused by its presence.

My silly, old raven and my dull, taciturn skull – you are both jealous! Can’t anybody ever approach, without me getting from you a reproach?

Her two faithful friends were in a state of panic – yes, they had done her wrong in the past, yet they loved her so strongly that now they felt the gast.

The frightful fear came from the raptor that had its own curse, to go black in the middle of the day, and in the night silver-like grey. Two souls were entrapped in the body of the winged predator, kin they were, one dim on the outside, yet shinny within, one light in appearance, yet murky inside – they sometimes split to take human form, but together in front of others they’d only hide, they concealed their weakness, and showed only their pride.

One sunny day Luleblu was going through the city, she felt so confident, she looked so pretty.

A young man with soft suntanned hue came to her side:

Hello, little beauty! My name is Emrin! – he had gorgeous black eyes, but if only she could have understood what contained his grin.

Luleblu felt quite assured to talk to him, his manners were light, his looks gentlemanly – moreover, he was so very polite. He seemed to have seen much of the earthly world – but she did not realize how much of the spiritual one he had no intimation of.

His appearance was dashing … in that territory and part, his name was on the lips of everybody whenever they’d part, he knew when to speak, and when not to – she was enthusiastic to have met him – as to the danger she was in, she had no clue.

Oh, poor little Luleblu!

They met every so often – Emrin was a joyful company, Luleblu was comfortable in his presence, but did not think much as to how she felt, had she but done it, she would have been spared.

One late evening as the sun was sinking into the sea, a dark, gloomy man came – and she said:

Do you wish to speak to me?

Yes, I like you so much! Could I come near you?... your shiny, long hair I’d love to touch!

Luleblu was shocked!

The nerves of this barbarian – who does he think I am? Some promiscuous woman?

He had nothing special in the way he looked, but staring in his brown eyes she felt she had been somewhat hooked.

Luleblu felt appalled at her own emotional state – how could she feel delighted in the presence of such a ruffian? How could she even accept his visiting her? Why didn’t she send him away? oh, where was Emrin, why did he not come more often … why not that day?

He is a busy, important man – but really! … couldn’t he make time, since he said he loves me so dearly?!

The dark sided raptor was there day after day, the dark skinned man came every night at the fortress, his respects to pay. Morbid hang around him, looking, listening, almost sniffing, Abyssus fixed his hollows onto the man’s collar, inquisitively thinking. Luleblu grew happier, laughing and giggling, she skipped day and night – she felt like a child, she remembered how she’d do just the same, when her father had been a young man, and she his little treasure …

But the dark man had a rough, too direct manner – he scared Luleblu whenever he’d come too close, he spoke very little, she had no idea what was his purpose.

When Emrin would consider contacting her, she felt much safer, for he never came directly forward. He was a sinuous soul, never showing what was onward.

There is news in town – shrilled Morbid to Abyssus – Anonyma’ll be down! People talk of what will be, which of the two will have her! In the meantime, there’s unease in the house of the powerful family – they’re not very pleased of Luleblu’s attractiveness… Abyssus shook himself with dismay – whatever could they do for neither of the two raptors to have their way?

You say they’re both as bad? I for one consider the swarthy one..

Morbid flew over Abyssus and after some time replied:

Brother, they are kin, their character must be alike, no matter how much they try this to hide!

Day after day the dark vulture swirled over them, night after night the dusky one came – and more and more, Luleblu chirped like a little, shy, forest bird and bloomed like a wild, delicate, white flower – clearer and stronger, hour after hour. Even the man’s looks opened to a more radiant aspect. Morbid and Abyssus felt more at ease, though the news from the shore was nothing to please.

But still, there were nights when after the shadowy one left, the silvery predator made its comeback – and days when before the black vulture became present in their sky, Emrin came to entrap Luleblu’s attention, though inside, after the dark one she’d cry.

Lule, dear girl, you should stop this play – make your choice, name the man! Then the other send away…

Oh, Morbid – I can choose nothing, for neither one has asked… and I have a hard time to make up my mind… the dark one I find interesting – so very much… yet the young one has more of the worldly touch…

To make up your mind?! – Abyssus gave out a cry –isn’t it your heart that should speak?! But listen here, I’ve found out high news, from a confidential leak! A seagull came just the other day, you were both in the city, the bird sat at the window and we had a chat… Emrin’s avatar is the silvery raptor, the dark skinned man – Paemrin’s his name – is attached to the black vulture… they both belong to that revered family, they have a curse placed on their title …

What could be the nature of such a spell? – asked Morbid and shivered – Oh, dark fears that haunt my soul – things will not end well!

Ay, Morbid, brother! Your intuitions have never yet failed… the two men have enraged the gods from above, they have tried both to seduce sweet Innocence …

The nerve of these contemptible feudal bodies, dreaming to reach the heart of the sweetest of goddesses!

Morbid quivered so nervous, knowing how noble Innocence was and how she had always helped them in the past, being not only chaste, but extremely just.

Ay, friends – I tell you – the curse has fallen on top of these two fools in all righteousness… they have aspired to the heart of the purest of stars… for them it was but a game, they always compete and cheat, and then they never truly love – like two birds of prey, they lure the victim, devour it and then run away!… but when the Mother of All and the Supreme Father heard, they were at the brink of madness, they put these lands through hell, they sent the worst evils of the world, blinded by rage, they almost destroyed the place, for the arrogance of such two men, many had to pay with what was most dearest to them!

Had the skull and the raven not been so heated by the story they might have seen the despair poor Anonyma had been dragged into.

Her almond-shaped eyes where swollen with salty, bitter tears running down her pale face, her little body was trembling in a feverish way as she thought broken hearted Oh, father, father, had I been crazy all this time – had I lost my senses again, this time in the worst way, to fall entrapped to such barbarians’ schemes, to such foul play?! Shame on me, shame – had I at least have chosen one… but stupid me, taking my time to see which can enter my heart, and which I would have to discard! Ohhhh, the fool that I have been!

Oh, the poor people – in such a tragic way having to pay!

Yes, Morbid – I tell you! Finally the elders of the port went to plead and pray, asking the gods to have mercy on their homes and find some means to make amends …for finally, pure Innocence had not been touched! So the gods united and in council they took the decision, the two men should have their destinies shared – two eagles in one armor ... they cannot fully separate, one is man in the day and bird in the night, and vice-versa, they are eternally linked – until the day they learn to respect womanhood and stop hunting together…

Hm! Hard task for a pack of hungry beasts! … our poor little one, luckily she also hasn’t been touched, yet her confidence for surely they’ve smashed…

Seemingly, as the seagull told me, the two lords were well on their way to achieve the charge and have themselves freed of the curse.. but then Luleblu came up their path, and they forgot what was the mission they had…

Of course, of course – our Anonyma has such a sweet way – she could make crazy the coldest man even in the middle of the coolest day!

But Morbid my friend, this is not the real problem at hand! The thing is that the great family is angry, for the desired outcome has been hindered…and Anonyma’s expulsion they demand!

Oh, great gods from above – can there be no peace for the little dear, do we have to run again, far away even from here?!

By the way, where is she, where has she gone?

Luleblu had run alone into the evening light, she went to some empty shores to try to think… she had had enough of all, of friends, of men, of trusting and of love – of what had been up to then her existence – she wanted a moment for herself, she wanted to take a moment, and her heart to listen!

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